= controversial, polemic, polemical, divisive, argumentative, contentious, fractious, vexed, disputed.
Ex: The last 3 years while grants were available saw a rise in loans, readers and outreach services, a controversial stock revision and scrapping were carried out and a PC was taken in use.
Ex: The paper discusses some remaining "grey areas" in faceted classification and the value for expository purposes of a mildly polemic approach to issues in classification.
Ex: I am afraid I shall disappoint again, for this book is not a polemical document, nor is it even a personal view of community information.
Ex: It is increasingly obvious that we are as a nation one and indivisible, that divisive tendencies are a thing of the past, but there are still too many inheritors of the old indifference, and who flinch at co-operation as at an evil.
Ex: "I don"t know about that one," Bogardus said, politely argumentative.
Ex: One of the most contentious issues dividing publishers and librarians centres on the interpretation of fair use in the context of digital technologies.
Ex: Thus was Christianity codified into a Bible that still today is the central element in the faith of the two billion adherents of the largest, if most fractious, of the world's religions.
Ex: A vexed area on which the present rules give no guidance is the publication produced as a result of a special programme or project.
Ex: Disputed and even fraudulent works of history can make their way onto library shelves.
* cuestión polémica = vexing question.
* evitar polémicas = eschew + issues.
* extremadamente polémico = highly controversial.
* incitar polémica = rattle + Posesivo + cage.
* levantar la polémica = spark + controversy.
* muy polémico = highly controversial.
* no polémico = non-controversial [noncontroversial].
* polémica + abundar = controversy + rage.
* polémica + continuar = controversy + rage, argument + rage.
* polémica + girar en torno a = controversy + revolve around.
* polémica + perdurar = argument + rage.
* suscitar la polémica = spark + controversy.
* tema polémico = vexing issue.